Tuesday, 24 November 2015

The Effects of Motor Oil on the Planet


Sometimes it seems like we are living in a catch-22 when it comes to how we use our planet. For one, we refine crude oil from the earth to create motor oil to aid us in transportation around the planet. Yet used motor oil can pollute our world if we are not careful with it. There are numerous effects to motor oil getting into our air, soil, and water. As we utilize this widely used fluid from Hydralic Oils UAE and other organizations, we should be mindful of what it does not only for our car but for the environment.
Unfortunately, motor oil has a way of getting into our water supply. Car owners are usually the responsible party when they discard oil into garbage cans, down toilet and sink drains, and into storm drains and sewers. When we do this, water is transported to waste treatment plants and the local groundwater system. Motor oil is absorbed into streams, rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water, only worsening the problem. The oil creates a sheen, or a thin layer at the top. Oxygen exchange cannot take place in underwater animals and they perish. One gallon of water can be detrimental to millions of gallons of water.
Oil-affected water will seep into the soil. Plants come out of this soil and are damaged as a result. When animals eat these plants, they suffer the effects of the oil as well. There are several toxins in soil touched by oil. Lead, arsenic, chromium, barium, zinc, and cadmium are all metal materials found in contaiminated soil. These properties are poisonous and very dangerous. Scientists have also discovered polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, also known as PAHs in the soil. These carcinogens come from the combustion of used oil motor in a vehicle. PAHs are reported to disrupt the delicate balance of the ecosystem and the environment in general. FYI, used oil has 30% more PAHs than new motor oil.
Motor oil is often reused as a cheap way to fuel a car. While this prevents harmful disposal, it can lead to emissions into the air. There are little fragments of heavy metal materials within the old oil. Gasoline and antifreeze are also found in the oil. The high pressure and temperatures lead to strong emissions. Copper, lead, zinc, and cadmium are released into the air in high and harmful amounts. That said, be sure you know to recycle used oil from Briton Oil Company.

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